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The Chakra Room

The room for all Chakra services

Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.

Multiple Therapists and Readers offering their services on this page - More choice to browse through.

Available to buy on the priority shop, to receive your reading or therapy with 72 hours.

Only Verified readers on this website offering top class services, and personable readings and therapies.

A choice of different readings and therapies for your Chakras using different and alternative methods from different members.

Chakra Report

By Fran
A full report giving council how the status of each Chakra. Discover blockages, their symptoms and how to remove them. 
Learning about your Chakras may give insight to physical and mental symptoms that just won't budge may go deeper than you originally though. Let's take a deep dive together and go through the Chakra rainbow Report.

rainbow screen on desktop computer with a chakra report on it by fran steer in tarot tearooms

Chakra Alignment through Hedge witchcraft 

By Fran




For a Chakra Report & Alignment Ritual

Through the power of ritual and traditional hedge witchcraft we can work together to cleanse and align your chakras. 
From your Chakra Report we can create a bespoke ritual for each Chakra that needs attention. 
Please feel free to contact me and discuss this service before booking. 
I will need to have performed a chakra report to proceed with aligning your Chakras.

Buy Priority Chakra Services here!

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